Monday, June 30, 2008

Wash Your Produce!!!!!!

I swear every day I hear about recalls or people getting sick from fresh produce. I bet this problem would be cut significantly if people washed their produce properly!!! They use manure to fertilize produce and there are birds and other animals to consider people! Even if it comes prepackaged, wash it! A few rules to go by:

  • If it grows on the ground or in the ground, scrub it down with a vegetable brush. Not only does this remove the dirt, it helps remove those unseen creepies. Especially do this with melons and squashes.
  • Lettuce: remove the outer layer of leaves and give it a good washing, also submerging it in water for several seconds to drive out any tiny bugs. Prepackaged lettuce, rinse several times in a colander and with all lettuce, pat dry before refrigerating.
  • Berries and Grapes: Rinse several times in a colander and pat dry with a paper towel.
  • Corn on the ear needs washed also. Rinse and lightly scrub with your hands.
  • Don't forget to wash your hands before you wash you produce!

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