- If it grows on the ground or in the ground, scrub it down with a vegetable brush. Not only does this remove the dirt, it helps remove those unseen creepies. Especially do this with melons and squashes.
- Lettuce: remove the outer layer of leaves and give it a good washing, also submerging it in water for several seconds to drive out any tiny bugs. Prepackaged lettuce, rinse several times in a colander and with all lettuce, pat dry before refrigerating.
- Berries and Grapes: Rinse several times in a colander and pat dry with a paper towel.
- Corn on the ear needs washed also. Rinse and lightly scrub with your hands.
- Don't forget to wash your hands before you wash you produce!
I Can See The Light In The Darkness Hillsong
3 years ago